Company Disclosures

Credit Information System Act Announcement

To our Valued TRB Customers:

Pursuant to Republic Act No. 9510 (Credit Information System Act) and its Implementing Rules and Regulations, rural banks are mandated to provide basic credit data monthly and any regular updates or corrections thereof of the Credit Information Corporation (CIC) beginning November 16, 2016. CIC serves as the country's reporting agencies duly accredited by the CIC for the purpose of establishing borrowers' creditworthness.

To know more about the Credit Information System Act, please refer to CIC website and view FAQs page of Credit Information Corporation CIC

Please be guided accordingly.

Thank you.

Consumer Assistance Mechanism

For client concerns, kindly call our TRBank's Consumer Affairs  at   +63-945-623-8857  |   +632-8535-5936 or email us at

TRBank is supervised by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas  +632-8708-7701 |

The Anti Money Laundering Council (AMLC) released AMLC Regulatory Issuance No. 5, Series of 2021 on the Guidance for De-Listing and Unfreezing Procedures to assist covered persons, government entities, and the public on the implementation of the targeted financial sanctions 


To download a copy of the guidance, please log on to